Happy Christmas!
I must have been a good girl this year because Santa came to see me!
Christmas is one of my favorite times of year because I get to wear my Santa hat all the time. I think I'm supposed to wear it on the top of my head but it always seems to fall down around my chin like a beard. If I'm naughty, my mommy and daddy take my Santa hat away from me as punishment. When I can show that I'm a big girl again I get my hat back!

Grandma and Grandpa Mulley (from all the way in England) sent me some presents this year. They sent me a very stylish bow tie to wear and some chocolate covered doggie treats (don't worry it's not real chocolate-so it's safe for dogs). I LOVED both of my presents from them...especially the chocolates. I have decided that I really like the taste of chocolate...and this has led me to get into some trouble.
The day after Christmas, my cousins (Tripp, Madison and Delaney) came to see me with their parents. I find the little people a bit stressful. They are loud and run around a lot and are about the same size as me!
Mom and Dad also got some lovely English chocolates for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Mulley. One night while they were out I decided to try some of their treats. Apparently, this was not one of my better ideas. Mom and Dad were sooooo mad at me. Mom even gave me a spankin'. I think I've learned my lesson...
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