Is that a bird? Is it a plane?
No! It's Santa Scout!!! I love this time of year for many reasons:
1. We put a tree INSIDE the house! I don't get to pee on it, but how cool is it that there is a TREE INSIDE MY HOUSE?!
2. Santa comes to see me and he brings me presents. I'm not sure what presents I'm going to get due to my current situation(refer to previous post), but I'm sure he won't forget me!
3. My favorite thing about this time of year is that I get to wear my Santa hat! I love my Santa hat!! When Mommy and Daddy take it off of me...I feel sad and naked. I was walking with Mommy today (Daddy is out of town *tear*) and a man in a truck stopped to ask if I was Santa. I stupid is that man...I'm just a dog...MORON!
Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season!