Oh my, where has the time gone? After several threatening remarks and emails from close friends and family, I have decided to blog again. I had no idea my blogs were so loved. I really should get better about this, especially since so many cool things have happened since I last blogged! I will try and remember as best as I can what all has happened...

In March, I went back to Auntie Allee's house for my cousin Delaney's birthday. She turned 1. The last time I was in the mountains was several years ago for Thanksgiving. The hardwood floors were still just as hard to get around on but this time I didn't have to dodge cousin Tripp and his crazy roller coaster or deal with those other two dogs, Bongo and Barley! While we were up there, it snowed! I haven't seen much snow in my life and honestly...it's a little cold!

During the spring and summer, I got to spend a lot of quality time with Granny. Mommy and Daddy were both traveling a lot with work and Granny said I could stay with her. We had lots of fun and went on lots of walks. One of the coolest things that Granny does for me is that she has "treat hunts" for me when she leaves the house for a little while. She makes me sit by the front door and then she hides treats all over the house and then she finally lets me go find them. I LOVE TREAT HUNTS! The other really cool thing about staying with Granny is that we have "nap offs". A "nap off" is where we see who can sleep the most. I can usually beat Mommy and Daddy but Granny is a really good napper!

I also got to see my cousins Tripp and Madison this summer. We went swimming because it was so hot outside!
Mommy and Daddy took a trip to Charleston this summer and when they came back Mommy had a new ring. They keep talking about getting married and getting new names. Mommy told me that her name is going to change and that my name will change too. Daddy said my new name was going to be Delores. Do I look like a Delores? If my name changes to Delores, I'll have to get all new stationary and change my email address and it will really be a pain. I hope that I just get to change my last name like Mommy. Mommy and Daddy are going to get married next April and will probably leave me again. I wonder who I'll stay with then?

When Mommy and Daddy got back from Charleston with Mommy's new ring, I only had one day with them before my very first doggy house guest came. Mommy and Daddy kept telling me that Hannah was a dog, but I'm fairly certain that she is a squirrel. Sometimes, she made sounds like a dog but for the most part she looked just like a pretty squirrel. Hannah's family also came to visit. Aunt Wendy, Uncle Jeff, cousin Scott and cousin Scarlett were very nice to me but when they got to our house everyone left me and Hannah and went to the pool. I don't know why I couldn't go to the pool-I like to swim. Scott and Scarlett really liked my bed and they liked to get in my bed with me and pet me. I also like it when people pet me.
At the end of the summer, Uncle Chip, Aunt Colleen, cousin Tripp and cousin Madison all came to visit and celebrate Granny's birthday.

It was really fun to see Tripp and Madison but sometimes they are too loud for me and I get scared. I sure hope Mommy and Daddy don't think about bringing any little babies to my house. Something happened when everyone was visiting...my car, The Legend, disappeared! I'm not sure where it went, but all of a sudden this little blue roller skate appeared in front of the house and I'm not even allowed in it. I loved my car. I could ride in the back seat and stick my head out the window and feel the breeze on my face. If anyone sees my car...please return it to me!

Mommy and Daddy had some friends over a couple weeks ago for the Crock Pot Challenge. I was happy to see the familiar faces of Uncle Shane and Auntie Bridgett, but there were some new people that I hadn't met before. D-Ron and Jess brought me a little friend to play with. Her name is Mila. She is a nice girl and I had fun sniffing her. She wasn't too sure of me at first, but I think we will be good friends. Auntie Rob and Uncle Rick also came. Uncle Rick wants me to be his dog, but I'm staying right where I am. He kept talking about cloning me and I'm not sure I'm down with that!
The most recent adventure that I have been on was my overnight visit to Uncle Shane and Auntie Bridgett's house. I love going over there! This time, something was different!? Their floor changed. It used to be a soft, easy to walk on carpet, but now...it's hardwood floors. Man oh man! I was a slipping and sliding all over the place. The floors look very nice but I have such a hard time walking on them, much less running! I sure do hope that Mommy and Daddy don't get hardwood floors anytime soon.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Daddy and I have been running a lot. Daddy is training for a 5k and I'm training for the
Iditarod. My new favorite show is
Toughest Race on Earth. I am so ready for my big chance to race the snow of Alaska!
Until next time...