Christmas Update

Happy New Year!
It's been a while since I have posted anything new.
We had a great Christmas! Santa came and saw me and I got some bones and some new toys. Some how some of my hold toys seem to have disappeared, I guess Santa took those so that he could repair them and give to other children who really needed them.
Granny gave me a really nice pink jacket that I can wear outside when it's cold. It's a good thing, because we have had some super cold nights! Sometimes when Mommy walks me, we look like twins because she has a pink vest that looks like my new coat!
Mommy and Daddy got some new toy called a Wii and they don't let me play with it. I always try to help them when they are playing but they don't seem to appreciate my help.
The Christmas card that we sent out this year was a picture of me in my Santa hat. My Nan, who lives in England, didn't have her glasses on when she got her Christmas card and thought that I was just a "furry Father Christmas". I'm sure that was pretty funny when she said that!!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
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